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Taking The Leap in 2023

Are there any nurses planning to make changes in the new year?

Happy New Year to all of my fellow Nurses!

For those of you who have been here with me, from the bottom of my heart, Thank you for your support & Welcome Back!

For those of you who are new to my blog, Welcome Welcome Welcome!

How has everyone been..?? Did you end 2022 with thoughts of serious change??

The peak of our COVID journey is now behind us, so what is to come in 2023?

What are your nursing career goals in this new year?

What has kept us motivated to stay in the field of nursing after everything we’ve endured recently? COVID really put the cherry on top of worst nightmares. We've never felt more helpless, vulnerable, emotionally, physically and mentally overwhelmed with what was asked of us. So why stay?

I have been in nursing since 2006 and my #journey is far from over. I truly feel that it has been my calling to help others and I can not imagine doing anything but care for patients in some way. Some of you may be feeling differently... you may be questioning your career paths, and that is completely normal. After what we have been through, why wouldn't you?

I think we have all questioned it and we should.

"I am the advisor, freedom fighter, inspirer, and supporter of all nurses who you've come to know and love". - Travel Nurse Missa

No matter what, we know we are making a #difference in patient’s lives and that is what keeps us going, right? It’s not our charge nurses, managers, and the hospitals with their mission statements that they've tried to engrave in our minds. It’s the patients who say, “Thank you”, or maybe they said it with their eyes because they were unable to speak. But we felt the #power of what we do and why we continue to do it.

Is it just about the #money? Maybe the pay and stability of the nursing field is what keeps you going... And you know what, that's ok too. You show up, and do what needs to be done. But for those of you who look at your nursing #career as just a means to pay your bills and get by, you are the ones who will not be successful. You're burnt out and you felt burnt out a long time ago. Nursing is a career that requires compassion, if you lack it, you'll fail before you started regardless of how much we try to spark the flame in you. The rest of us who still have some #compassion left in us are still hanging on, but for how much longer?

We are burnt out but we still find it in ourselves to #care. There is still the compassion in what we do and that is why we went through the #struggles to become nurses. For most of us, we felt the calling. Do you still feel that calling? Is it calling you elsewhere or are you completely content clocking in and out everyday without a say? By say, I mean, a say in your pay, your schedule, your benefits, your feeling of #worth. If you feel complete content in where you are, please share your experience. My discussion boards are for us to discuss the good, the bad and the down right ugly.

"I am here to listen, learn, and give truthful thoughts about my experiences in the field of nursing". - Travel Nurse Missa

Nursing has recently given me a feeling I've never felt before and that feeling is the strength of change. I have never felt more in control of my #life, my #future, and this journey of #transformation. Nursing has brought so much value to my life that I can not thank it enough. Throughout my journey, I have gained friends for a lifetime. Nursing has given me the #confidence and #strength in feeling that I have achieved #greatness, and the beauty of knowing I have made a difference in countless lives.

So why stop now?

The true advantage of nursing is that we have options. Let’s consider what our options are:

  • We can change our specialty

  • We can work in a hospital

  • We can work in a clinic (Urgent care/Surgery/Primary/Specialty)

  • We can work from home (Health insurance/Triage)

  • We can travel to different states

  • We can travel to different cities

  • We can care for patients in their homes

  • We can work on a mobile clinic

  • We can own our own business

  • We can advance our career - #CNA, #LPN, #RN, #APRN, #DNP

There are many avenues of nursing. If you still have the flame in you but desire change, start researching local jobs or maybe a different department in your hospital. Do not let your feelings of being burnt out to cloud the thoughts of change. WE are important. WE change lives. WE are the future. WE can take "control" of our "controllables".

Are any of you taking a leap into the uncharted territories of nursing in 2023?

I'd love for everyone to join the discussion forum and discuss their big plans for this year.


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