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Don't Ignore Pay, Forget About Work Politics & Invest In Yourself!

“You only see what your eyes want to see... how can life be what you want it to be?

Your frozen when your heart’s not open” -Madonna.

Ignoring your inner desire to live FREE & get PAID according to YOUR standards is what causes nurses to feel unfulfilled inside. You don’t have to leave your state to be a travel nurse! Let’s GOOOOOO! #travelnursemissa

Pay. Yes, the phrase goes, “Money can’t buy happiness”. What are your thoughts?

I personally know that #MONEY has given me the financial freedom to work as much or as little as I please. This in turn allows me to pour #energy into my life where it is needed the most!

If you could take an extended #vacation or “stay-cation”, what would you exert most of your energy into during that time? I #indulge in quality time spent with my husband, family and friends. Getting weekly deposits in the account while on #contract just reminds me of WHY I do what I do and I have my #freedom to look forward to. #travelnurselife

Forget About Workplace Politics. Do the #politics at work ever bring you down… like mandatory #staff meetings and ridiculous write ups? Being either the newest nurse on the unit or the seasoned one, politics will affect everyone. To those of you who meet the needs of your department without compensation for doing so.. And those of you being forced to work specific #weekends and holidays that you’d rather had spent with family… or playing nice with #management to hopefully get that hard earned annual 3% raise. You can count me out!

Invest in Yourself. I hope that none of the nurses reading this #blog (Thank for your #support by the way) believe that the hospital, facility, or company, etc. that you are currently investing in, truly has a personal #investment in you and your #future. I am not talking about 401k. At the end of the day we are all just employees. Unless you consider yourself “self-employed”. As a travel nurse, do I consider myself “self-employed”. Well, as a matter of fact I do. I say this because I have the power to work when, where and for however much time I choose. I can work a 4 week or 26 week contract, the decision is mine. It is up to the staff and management of the facility I show up at to convince me to #extend. If the vibe is off, and I do not feel that it is personally beneficial to deal with the politics for the amount of pay I make, then bye! I am my own #boss in a sense and I enjoy every minute of it. Wouldn’t you?


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