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Hey! I am SO Glad You're Here!

My name is Melissa Sweet and I have been a Travel Nurse since 2016!! Over the years of my travels I’ve always encountered nurses, students and other acquaintances who always had the same questions?!

  • What is it like to be a #travelnurse? 

  • How can you travel, especially as a #newlywed? 

  • How do you #negotiatepay? 

  • Where should I work? 

  • How do you find #housing?

  • & Many other NON-nursing questions about things I'd love to share with YOU! 


I’m the nurse that LOVES to take students because I knew what it was like showing up for clinical literally terrified. If there is anything I can enlighten or advise any of you that will add #value to your life, then that makes it all worth it for me and that is the purpose of this #Blog


We’ve all “been there”, right..? We’ve been students and novice nurses. But why do the seasoned nurses still EAT THEIR YOUNG (new nurses)? 


The purpose of this Blog is to talk.. talk about my #experiences with #school, #work, #travel and other things that have #changed my #life because of it all! We should stick together in order for us all to be successful! 


This is a place for us #nurses to have #REAL #CONVERSATIONS & hopefully make #NEW #FRIENDS!

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